Offline Session Parallel

Room Mini Cinema 1:

Moderator: Sri Wahyuni Muhtar

13.00-13.10 WIB
Een Herdiani
Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia Bandung
Reading the Expression of Muna People's Dance in Kabori Cave Complex Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia
13.10-13.20 WIB
Tunggul Banjaransari
Program Studi Seni Program Doktor Pascasarjana ISI Surakarta
Ngandhangi Film Concept in Filmmaking Entitled Nahlilke Wong Nggantung to Counteract Primitivize of Gunungkidul Community
13.20-13.30 WIB
Terra Bajraghosa
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Comic-Film-Music; Contemporary Independent Comics’ Transmedia Storytelling in Indonesia
13.30-13.40 WIB
Candra M. Wisnu
Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang
Methods of Giving Life to Inanimate Object in the Film Meja Makan/ Goodbye, Table Manner (2018) by Wisnu Candra
13.40-13.50 WIB
Ferdy Karel Soukotta
Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta
The chant is empty, could power make it sound? Kapata Hena Masa Waya in the hegemony of representation and cultural identity
13.50-14.00 WIB
Nia Emilda & Ai Juju Rohaeni
Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia Bandung
Strengthening Cultural Resilience through Internalization of Ethnopedagogical Values in Keputihan Indigenous Hamlet Cirebon Regency
14.00-14.10 WIB
Matheus Raoul S.
Universitas Gadjah Mada
A Critical Reflection on the Nature of Sacred Dance: The Case of Mechanical Reproduction of the Yogyakartan Bedhaya
14.10-14.20 WIB
Farid Abdullah
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Exploring Semiotic Visual of Batik Stamp Motif in Kelantan, Malaysia and Bandung, Indonesia
14.20-14.30 WIB
Pitri Ermawati
Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta
Portrait Potographs of Dutch Women Wearing ‘Kebaya’
14.30-14.40 WIB
Arif Nur Setiawan
Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
Semiotic Analysis of Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Arya Mangkoenagoro X Fashion
14.40-14.50 WIB
M Aditia Gilang
Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
The Culture of Mutual Cooperation as an Instrumental Value in the Illustration of Urip iku Urup
14.50-15.00 WIB
Ndaru Ranuhandoko
Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
Transformation of Wayang Kulit Purwa 'Limbuk Cangik' in Digital Media
15.00-15.10 WIB
Sri Wahyuni Muhtar
Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
Analysis of the “Daeng Naba” Song as a Form of Regional Dangdut Music in Makassar City

Room Matra 1:

Moderator: Mahendra Wibawa

13.00-13.10 WIB
Prof. Dr. Andar Indra Sastra, S.Sn., M. Hum
ISI Padang Panjang
13.10-13.20 WIB
Muh Syafruddin Akmal
Universitas Negeri Makassar
Activity analysis in the book “Super Paud Creativity: Coloring, Scissors and Paste”
13.20-13.30 WIB
Aditya Nugraha
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Creation of “Salen-Log Counterpoint” Music Composition: Adaptation of Sundanese Karawitan Music Aesthetics for Orchestral Ensemble
13.30-13.40 WIB
Royys Bagja
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Logic Pro X Quick Sampler Configuration Analysis in the Context of Audio Processing
13.40-13.50 WIB
Firdaus Noor
University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
Drone Shots in Filmmaking: New Vocabulary for Cinematography
13.50-14.00 WIB
Indonesian Institute of The Art, Surakarta
Creative Process and Prosthetic Memory: Case Study of 'Wiji Thukul Planting Words' Action Poster
14.00-14.10 WIB
Amris Albayan
Case Study: Analysis of Didong Music Forms in the Gayo Tradition in Aceh
14.10-14.20 WIB
Fajar Aji
Universitas Jember
Narrative Construction through Cross-Cutting: An Analysis of Episode 3 of the Web Series ‘Gadis Kretek’
14.20-14.30 WIB
Galih Prakasiwi
Indonesia Institute of the Arts Yogyakarta
Rabam Jawa: Javanese Image in Thai Dance
14.30-14.40 WIB
Hanoum Eva Hayati
Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember
The Development of Creative Process Framework for Game Industry in Indonesia Using Design Thinking Method
14.40-14.50 WIB
Bonifacia Bulan Aruming Tyas
Institut Sains dan Teknologi Terpadu Surabaya
From Kitchen to Screen: Analyzing the Visual Creative Content of a Costumed Crackers Maker
14.50-15.00 WIB
Chairol Imam
Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
The Ontology of ‘Art on Deaf Disability’ Creative Space: Experiences in the Interaction between Agents, Disabilities, and Artworks
15.00-15.10 WIB
Wahyo Cahyadi
Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
The Symbol of Triwikram? Scene in Surakarta Style Wayang Kulit Performances in the "Kresna Duto" Story
15.10-15.20 WIB
Chrisema Ramayona Latuheru
Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Ambon
Reconstruction Of Melody Patterns Through Tonals On Rim Kilang Village And Latuhalat Village
15.20-15.30 WIB
Mahendra Wibawa
Pascasarjana ISI Surakarta
Navigating Duality: The Intersection of Art and Design in Penahitam Collective.

Room Matra 2:

Moderator: Titi Ayu Pawestri

13.00-13.10 WIB
Sri Rochana Widyastutieningrum
Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
Revitalisasi Tari Gaya Mangkunegaran di Pura Mangkunegaran
13.10-13.20 WIB
Hary Sulistyo
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Cross Border and Cross Ideology of Literature and Drama in East Dutch Indies Era: De-Colonial Perspective
13.20-13.30 WIB
Joko Daryanto
Universitas Sebelas Maret
Gamelan Music as a Pillar of Sovereignty of the Kraton Surakarta
13.30-13.40 WIB
Puji Rahayu
ISI Surakarta
Exploration Of Graphics And Marbling Techniques With Natural Dyeing Of Banana Trees Artwear
13.40-13.50 WIB
Irwan Sarbeni
Postgraduate Program, Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
Vertical Vistas: Technical Limitations of Drones in Capturing Natural Landscape Videos for Instagram Reels
13.50-14.00 WIB
Irwan Sarbeni
Postgraduate Program, Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
Technical Limitations of FPV Drones in Creating Vertical Videos of Natural Landscapes for Instagram Reels
14.00-14.10 WIB
Anne Nurfarina
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
Development of a Sensory-Based Vocational Educational Module for Individuals with Disabilities at LPK ATC Widyatama
14.10-14.20 WIB
L Dyah Purwita Wardani
Universitas Jember
How Watching Science Fiction Movies Shapes the Environmental Awareness of the Green GenZ
14.20-14.30 WIB
Udin Della Maharani
Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
Visual Exploration of Dayak Legends: Analyzing the Visual Language of Kamang Motifs
14.30-14.40 WIB
Abdul Aziz
Bina Nusantara University
Reading photos about air pollution in Jakarta for the sake of maintaining a healthy environment
14.40-14.50 WIB
Romdhi Fatkhur Rozi
Universitas Jember
Over The Top Movie Content – The Transformation of Cinema on YouTube’s Digital Platform
14.50-15.00 WIB
Sucipto Hadi Purnomo
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Mystical Islam's Critique of Orthodoxy: Roland Barthes' Perspective on the Story of Syeh Jangkung
15.00-15.10 WIB
Aileena Solicitor
CREC Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
Optimizing Social Media Marketing for Lerak Products from the Demibumi Brand
15.10-15.20 WIB
Titi Ayu Pawestri
Indonesian Institute of The Arts, Surakarta (ISI Surakarta)
Interior Lighting for the Sustainability of Cultural Heritage at Hotel Tugu Malang